What Foreigners Think Of Trump And Biden

Joe Biden: Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America (source: Joe Biden); User:TDKR Chicago 101 (clipping)Donald Trump: Shealah Craighead (source: White House)Сombination: krassotkin, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

(TheRedWire.com) – According to a new international survey, President Joe Biden has a higher confidence rating than former President Donald Trump.

Pew Research Center released the findings of its survey on Tuesday. The organization had surveyed respondents from 34 nations, with a median of 43 percent of all respondents expressing confidence that Biden would do what was right in global affairs, while only 28 percent felt the same about Trump.

In eight countries that were part of the survey — Israel, Bangladesh, Nigeria, India, Turkey, Greece, Malaysia, and Ghana — no significant statistical differences existed between respondents’ ratings of Trump and Biden.

However, in Hungary and Tunisia, Trump received a higher rating than Biden.

Pew highlighted that the most prominent gap between Biden and Trump existed in European countries. Biden led Trump with at least 40 points in Sweden, the Netherlands, Germany, and Poland.

The survey also queried how respondents felt Biden was handling major global events, including economic issues, climate change, China, the Russia-Ukraine war, and the war in Gaza.

Nearly as many respondents approved as disapproved of Biden’s handling of climate change and global economic issues.

Forty-three percent approved of Biden’s handling of economic issues and climate change, while 44 percent disapproved.

Thirty-nine percent approved of Biden’s handling of China, while 45 percent shared that they disapproved.

The majority of respondents (57 percent) disapproved of Biden’s handling of the Israel-Hamas war.

The poll also uncovered that four in ten participants believed the U.S. used to be a good example of democracy; 21 percent said it was still a good example, while 21 percent shared they never thought it was a good example.

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