Will Kamala Really Replace Biden In 2024?

Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

(TheRedWire.com) – In a recent poll conducted by Suffolk University and USA Today, it was discovered that the majority of Democratic voters who supported President Biden, amounting to 86 percent, expressed varying degrees of comfort with the idea of Vice President Kamala Harris assuming the role of President. This topic has gained traction due to concerns over President Biden’s ability to complete a full term if reelected.

Despite the overall low approval ratings, Democrats, in particular, exhibited higher levels of approval for Vice President Harris. According to an April survey conducted by Fox News, 73 percent of Democrats expressed their approval of Harris’s performance as Vice President.

In June, GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley voiced her opinion on Fox News, asserting that a vote for Biden essentially equates to a vote for Harris. Haley claimed that they were essentially campaigning against Harris at present, as she would become the President if Biden were to be reelected. It is worth noting that Harris has already been announced as Biden’s running mate for the 2024 election.

However, a May poll conducted by Monmouth University revealed that only 37 percent of likely voters expressed approval of Harris’s performance.

The Suffolk poll also shed light on the impact of Biden’s age on voter preferences. Thirty-seven percent of Democratic and Independent respondents stated that Biden’s age made them less likely to vote for him. However, the majority, comprising 56 percent, argued that his age did not influence their decision.

Regarding the Democratic primary, when participants were asked about their voting preferences if the primary was held presently, 58 percent expressed support for Trump. Fifteen percent indicated they would vote for Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., while 6 percent would back Marianne Williamson. Notably, 21 percent of respondents remained undecided.

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