Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness Fails

Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

( – On Monday, a group of Republican senators introduced a new plan which would revoke President Joe Biden’s executive action from last year which would forgive federal student loan debt for a number of Americans.

The two parties hold completely different positions on whether this plan should go forth or not. In the two-page resolution led by Sen. Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, the ranking member of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, and Sens. John Cornyn of Texas and Joni Ernst of Iowa, Cassidy questioned where the relief was for those who skipped college and were paying off their “work truck” or for those who had already paid off their student loans but were having a hard time with their mortgage. He added that this resolution stops those Americans whose debts don’t resemble the debt of “the favored group the Biden administration has selected.”

The Supreme court has also been hearing arguments on the Biden student debt relief program. They are not expected to make a decision in the case until the summer.

The proposal which has been introduced under the Congressional Review Act would create a fast-track way for Congress to potentially overturn rules that federal agencies issue. The decision would also not be the subject of a Senate filibuster but rather it would be passing through the Senate with a simple majority.

Republicans currently hold the majority in the House, but the Senate is under a Democrat majority.

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