Romney’s Shocking Reaction To Trump’s Dictator Remark

Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

( – Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah), during a recent appearance on NBC News’ “Meet the Press,” drew a comparison between a “human gumball machine” and former President Donald Trump’s “dictator” like comments. He added that one of the things the two shared was that there was no filtering out what had come out.

During the interview with Kristen Welker, Romney argued that he was a lot less worried about the possible implications of Trump being a “dictator” from the first day in the White House and instead claimed that what he was concerned about was what Trump would be doing near the end of his term in office.

Romney pointed out that when he was a kid, there were gumball machines around where you would insert a penny and automatically get a gumball. He added that Trump was kind of the same in that he shared all the thoughts and ideas that came into his mind without filtering them. He pointed out that there was no questioning what the implications of what he was saying could potentially be.

Romney pointed out that while he does not place an “enormous” impact on all the statements that Trump puts out, he does believe that when one looks at the last month of Trump’s first term in the White House, there was an “authoritarian” approach to everything he was saying which left him with more concerns about Trump potentially playing the crowd in one way or another.

During a town hall hosted by Fox News, Trump was asked by Sean Hannity whether he would be seeking retribution or acting as a dictator in his second term in office. While he did not provide a direct response, he did joke that the only time he would act that way would be one day one when he would be focused on addressing the crisis at the southern border.

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