U.S. Women Standing With Trump More Than Ever Before

Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

(TheRedWire.com) – On Friday, former President Donald Trump’s presidential campaign national spokesperson Karoline Leavitt remarked during a speech at the National Federation of Republican Women’s (NFRW) Spring 2024 Board Meeting that the GOP was the “party of women.” 

During the event in Alexandria, Virginia Leavitt had argued that she was tired of hearing people falsely claiming that the Democrat party was the “party of women” and that the Republican Party was in reality that. She proceeded to point out two different instances where the Democratic Party had ended up shunning women, the first being the murder of Laken Riley, and the second being their stance on biological men being allowed into women’s sports. 

Rile, a 22-year-old nursing student, had been found dead on the University of Georgia campus on Feb. 22 after she had gone out for a run. Jose Antonio Ibarra from Venezuela, who had entered the United States illegally has been arrested and charged with the murder. As Leavitt argued, President Biden has allowed millions of illegal criminals to enter the United States and many of them are responsible for the assault and murder of women across the country. 

Riley’s parents had also turned down an invitation to attend the State of the Union address which was extended by Rep. Mike Collins, R-Ga. However, they did meet with Trump last week.

She proceeded to point out that the stance followed by the Biden administration regarding biological men competing against women went against women. She added that Trump was going to fight daily to ensure that female athletes are protected. 

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